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Consent Mode

You can now enable Google Consent Mode for Tag Manager. How it works, and what you need to configure can be found here.


You can also directly download the demo container with triggers and variables/ Please make sure you know how to import a container.

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Configuring ActiveCampaign

Tracking with Active Campaign can be set-up in two different ways. You can use the official plugin by ActiveCampaign, or add the tracking script yourself, either on-site or with Tag Manager. We will discuss both below and will regard ActiveCampaign as a remarketing and automation tool, and thus will be considered an advertising cookie, and third-party service for collecting and sharing data.

Using the ActiveCampaign plugin for WordPress

You can download the plugin here:  When connected to the plugin with your ActiveCampaign dashboard you can let the plugin install the code, and enable tracking by default. Complianz will then control tracking based on consent.

Complianz will initialize ActiveCampaign on consent.

Adding the tracking script manually

If you are not using the plugin, but have, or will implement the code manually, please do the following;

  • Go to your ActiveCampaign dashboard, and look for your tracking code under ‘Settings’.
  • Install the code as you wish, but make sure you have set
    vgo('setTrackByDefault', false);

    to false

  • Remove your current implementation, if needed.
  • If you have event tracking enabled, please use our granular consent guide to wrap the event tracking with consent control. It’s an example for Google Analytics, but works for every script.

If you’re using Tag Manager, follow the same instruction, but add the script code under the Custom Event: cmplz_event_marketing. More information can be found in our guide about Tag Manager. It should look like this:

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