Beaver Builder Powerpack Video integration

We’ve integrated Complianz with the Beaver Builder Powerpack Video element. This allows you to block YouTube video’s contained in such elements, with support for custom overlays and blocking the video inside of a Lightbox.

This integration is available as an MU Plugin on GitHub:


Start by uploading the “powerpack-beaver-builder.php” file to the /wp-content/mu-plugins/ directory on your site.

  • Enable the YouTube integration under Complianz > Integrations > Services
  • Edit your page with the Beaver Builder editor
  • Click the “+” icon in the top right corner of the editor
  • Select “PowerPack Modules” from the dropdown menu under Modules

Beaver Builder Power Pack - Adding the Video module

  • Navigate to “Media Modules – PowerPack” and drag a Video element to the page

Beaver Builder Power Pack - Adding the Video module 2

  • Hover over the Video element on your page, and click the Settings tab
  • Set the source to YouTube and enter the URL to the video

Beaver Builder Power Pack - Configuring the Video module 1

The video will already be blocked, but you can also add a Custom Overlay and display the video in a Lightbox.

  • (optional) Enable the Custom Overlay, and upload an image to use as overlay
  • (optional) Enable Lightbox

Beaver Builder Power Pack - Configuring the Video module 2Beaver Builder Power Pack - Configuring the Video module 4


Beaver Builder Power Pack - Blocking YouTube in Lightbox


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