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(Advanced) Import Complianz Custom Events in Tag Manager

In this article, the definitive guide to Tag Manager for Complianz, we referred to a demo container for Tag Manager. This container exists of the following tags, triggers, and variables:

Analytics for DSGVO Google Analytics: Universal Analytics
Analytics for GDPR Google Analytics: Universal Analytics
Anonymous Statistics
Analytics with Personal Data Google Analytics: Universal Analytics
Google Ads Remarketing Google Ads Remarketing
Marketing – Advertising
Anonymous Statistics Custom Event
Event equals cmplz_event_functional
Marketing – Advertising Custom Event
Event equals cmplz_event_marketing
Statistics Custom Event
Event equals cmplz_event_statistics
Analytics for GDPR Google Analytics Settings Variable

Importing the container

In your Tag Manager account, you can go to Admin -> Import Container. Here you can configure your import. There are a couple of options:

  • Unzip the downloadable .zip file and use the file within, a .json file
  • Choose either an existing or new workspace. If you’re not comfortable importing to a current workspace, you can make a new one.
  • You can choose to either overwrite or merge with your current workspace. The same counts as shown above. If you’re not comfortable, please merge instead of overwriting.

If you’re starting with a new account, you can choose existing and merge without issues.

Download the container

Download here.

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