With the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin from the WordPress community, you can easily check if there’s a compatibility issue with Complianz and another plugin or theme. This is especially helpful when checking a live website because troubleshoot mode will not affect your website for website visitors, only for you, the one who enables troubleshoot mode.
We highly recommend having a backup of your website, before enabling troubleshoot. We also recommend doing back-ups, forever.
Enabling troubleshoot mode
You can download the plugin here. This is an extension of the current health check capabilities that ships in core.
- Please backup, forever.
- Go to plugins and search for Troubleshoot Mode under Complianz.
- By enabling troubleshoot mode, all plugins except Complianz will be deactivated for you.
- Visit the front-end and see if the issue persists.
The issue persists after enabling troubleshoot mode
- Change your theme as well to a standard WordPress theme, for example, Twenty/Twenty
- Visit the front-end and see if the issue persists.
- If the issue persists after disabling the plugins, and theme. It might be a server related error or a bug in Complianz, please contact support
The issue is gone after enabling troubleshoot mode
- Enable your plugins one by one. After each enabled plugin, check if the issue reappears.
- If you found the culprit, please look at our documentation to see if an article exists. Or ask support for guidance.
- See if enabling Safe Mode under Complianz -> Settings will solve the issue as well.
NB. If you contact support, please describe your issue, copy/paste any error logs to your ticket, and mention plugins that might have a compatibility issue. If you’re running an older version of Complianz, please update.