The statutory and regulatory disclosures (sometimes also called Imprint, Legal information, or in Germany an Impressum) give insight into the company or the organization behind a certain website. In some jurisdictions, it is mandatory to disclose that information to website visitors, or in the case of a webshop to your customers. It usually contains at minimum information about the following aspects:
- Name
- Address of registered office
- Principal place of business
- VAT number
- Supervisory authority
- Chamber of commerce (or other registers)
- Registration number
- Professional body and legal title
- If the company is subject to one or more specific (legal) rules
- Alternative Dispute resolution
For German-speaking visitors, German law prescribes that even more information should be disclosed, and a hyperlink to the Imprint/Impressum should be placed on the cookie banner in order to make that information available to website visitors as soon as possible.