TCF V2.0 release (Update)

Update: Released on October 5th 2020

Since August 15th the Transparency and Consent Framework V2.0 from IAB Europe or TCF V2 has been adapted by Google Ad Managers, e.g. Adsense, to manage consent for Ad Vendors. In your Ad account, you might have noticed errors concerning the lack of consent management, even if you’re using Complianz Privacy Suite. The reason being is Google adheres to the TCF standards and expects a certain beacon while the website is loading. This beacon and subsequent functionalities are missing.

From August 15th, Ad delivery will continue as normal during a 90-day grace period. In this 90-day grace period,  you will have time to solve these errors.

How Complianz will help

We started the development of a full TCF v2 integration, recognized by Google as a CMP, or consent management platform. This will be ready and released during this grace period, with enough time to implement and configure.

  • A CMP ID for Complianz will be available in the very near future. Necessary for Google to identify the CMP.
  • The required functionalities will be added, for example, granular control of Ad Vendors.
  • A new cookie banner template will be available that conforms to IAB UI/UX standards.

For the remaining questions, please log a support ticket.


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Complianz has received its Google CMP Certification to conform to requirements for publishers using Google advertising products.