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Pre-Sale Questions

Below you find pre-sale questions we have answered before, if something is unclear or you have another question, scroll down below to get an answer by filling out the form. The answers shown are direct

No. Complianz is a self-hosted consent management tool, this means your website visitors will not use our servers to save consent settings. You’re fully in control. Pricing is based on domains used. 

Yes, and you can read all about this, and the applicable requirements, in our earlier article on the subject:

There won’t be any Complianz branding in the Cookie Banner on your website. If you enable the “logo” on the Cookie Banner, it will use the Complianz logo by default; but this can of course be changed to whichever image you want to use. Everything else is editable, you can even create a banner from scratch if so desired. If you’re using TCF (For advertising) there’s an exception due to IAB guidelines on legal text and categorization.

ads.txt is from the same authors as TCF needed to comply with Google’s and IAB’s guidelines to show ads, so you’ll be fine. Premium support will do anything to help you out. The wizard will help you out in the first place, any questions remaining we’re ready to help asap.

Most likely, an overview can be found here. If it’s not there, or you want to contribute to our language team, please drop a message at support. For active translators we provide free licenses.

You can easily upgrade in your account. You will only pay the difference between the two options.

Google’s consent policy is related to TCF a framework by the IAB available in premium. We are certified CMP #332, acknowledged by IAB Europe. This extends to TCF CCPA as well.

If you’re a non-profit organisation, please use below form and enquire directly. 

Yes. Just deactivate on domain X and activate on domain Y. If domain X is no longer available you can deactivate it in your account.

You can edit the legal documents in plain HTML, a filter or using the wizard itself. More can be found here.

Of course! Most integrations can be created in our script center, if you want to use an example for an MU plugin start here. If you’re a plugin developer, please follow this article.

Most likely, an overview can be found here. If it’s not there, or you want to contribute to our language team, please drop a message at support. For active translators we provide free licenses.

Yes. We have a list of common staging subdomains, e.g. ‘staging ‘dev’ etc. If it doesn’t work for you, just let us know. We’ll add your variation to the list.

Sure. We even hope you can use our plugin to assist your customers with a service that includes Complianz. 

Complianz has a hybrid cookie scan, one scan is designed for WordPress, where cookies are found that commonly need intereraction or a logged-in status to appear.  Another one is the more common, external scan by visiting your website without consent. In some cases not all cookies are found at first try, or some cookies are no longer relevant. That’s why and automatic scan and sync with will kee your data up-to-date. You can always edit directly, as you please or see fit.

No. Complianz is self-hosted, on your server. This means we do not process any data from your website visitors. How you handle data from your website visitors is explained in the Privacy Statement you can generate with Premium.

Have your own question?

We respond typically in 24 hours, which is our main goal for Premium Support as well. In weekends we extend this to 48 hours for non-emergent matters.
Before sending the form your will need to agree to load Google reCaptcha. If you want to know more about this service, please visit our cookie policy